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ERX13027335: MinION sequencing
1 OXFORD_NANOPORE (MinION) run: 727 spots, 260,034 bases, 305,023b downloads

Design: ECO1
Submitted by: Institute for Infectious Diseases, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland (Institute for Infectious Diseases, University of B)
Study: Multiplex PCR Approach for Rapid African Swine Fever Virus Genotyping
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African swine fever virus (ASFV) has been spreading through Europe, Asia, and the Caribbean after its introduction in Georgia in 2007 and, due to its particularly high mortality rate, poses a continuous threat to the pig industry. The golden standard to trace back the ASFV is whole genome sequencing, but it is a cost and time-intensive methodology. A more efficient way of tracing the virus is to amplify only specific genomic regions relevant for genotyping. This is mainly accomplished by amplifying single amplicons by PCR followed by Sanger sequencing. To reduce costs and processivity time, we evaluated a multiplex PCR based on the four primer sets routinely used for ASFV genotyping (B646L, E183L, B602L, and intergenic I73R-I329L), which was followed by Nanopore ligation-based amplicon sequencing. We show that with this protocol, we can genotype ASFV DNA originating from different biological matrices and correctly classify multiple genotypes and strains using a single PCR reaction. Further optimization of this method can be accomplished by adding or swapping the primer sets used for amplification based on the needs of a specific country or region, making it a versatile tool that can speed up the processing time and lower the costs of genotyping during ASFV outbreaks.
Sample: Georgia07
SAMEA116002194 • ERS20965795 • All experiments • All runs
Name: Sensitivity-replicate-2
Instrument: MinION
Strategy: AMPLICON
Selection: PCR
Layout: SINGLE
Runs: 1 run, 727 spots, 260,034 bases, 305,023b
Run# of Spots# of BasesSizePublished


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